mycoocoon spa 5.0
A space to experience colour through the 5 senses.

coocoon space
After doing  mycoocoon chromatest which will define your colour need , drink a solarized tea  and immerse yourself into the coocoons. Each color having its own role, they come together to create a moment of relaxation, with sounds and aromas to complete the experience. 


Colour energy food
A space to taste colour made with seasonal ingredients all specially conceived to re-balance your colour energy.


Colour sensorial gallery
A space to host exhibitions and other events organized with artists, musicians, designers, chefs and others on the subject of colour.


mycoocoon shop
provides pre-assembled packages « sensorial boxes» that can be adapted to individual needs. A standard catalog of merchandise is complemented with limited editions developed through creative collaborations on various aspects of colour. Co-branded collaborations with other colour wellness brands.
